Duke University School of Nursing became a new client in 2022 after a post-Covid reorganization, and I was pleased to be hired to redesign their school's print magazine. Along with the publication design, I reworked the official typography for their digital marketing efforts, plus created a current color palette for seamless branding across platforms. 

A new publication in 2024 for Tulane University, this magazine celebrates a financial gift to the school from philanthropist and alumna Celia Scott Weatherhead, intended to launch the school into the top rankings in the USA. A large section was also devoted to the impact of climate change on public health.

The Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine magazine, available to alumni and at the 2021 APHA conference in Denver, CO. This revision incorporated a very bright palette and classic line art to align with this city's diversity and creativity, alongside centuries of its complicated history and climate challenges.

Brochure for study abroad at Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Viewbook and course catalog for UNC Global

The UNC print publications I have designed — from concept to final production — include the UNC Global student magazine Carolina Passport, course catalogs, marketing look books, donor directories, and career guidebooks. 
Above, an interactive tablet publication that was created with Adobe DPS. The style guide was established by an agency and I created the digital version with live links, embedded videos, scrollable text, animations, and panoramic images.

The Spring 2023 Duke Nursing magazine for Duke University was dense with data analysis provided by Deloitte consultants and in-house editorial content concerning social determinants of health (SDOH). Along with the design and production of the 40-page magazine, I illustrated flow charts and infographics to summarize data for readers along with original spot illustrations to match. 

Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine is a beloved and loyal client of fifteen years. Above is an orientation guide that was provided digitally and in print and is updated each year.

Another tablet-based periodical, designed for UNC Law. I designed this from concept to final production, using the Adobe DPS platform. It had the features of video, animation, scrollable text, and of course live links. It comes out twice a year and I also designed and produced the print version upon which it was based.

While I worked at Interweave, I was often called upon to design magazines to test market interest. Seams became Stitch magazine, which was very successful on the newsstands for years. 

Global Health magazine was a print magazine that I art directed, designed, and produced for ten years, working closely with the dean's office of Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. This version was one of three redesigns over the years.

This perfect-bound book for Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine was a marketing piece plus course catalog. Art direction to final production.

Earlier designs of Global Health magazine, a bi-annual publication published by the dean's office of the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.

Jane Austin Knits was a newsstand success for Interweave, a special interest publication that included my own spot illustrations as needed.

Bitsbox, subscription-based coding kits for elementary-aged kids, has project booklets that provide the codes in a fun, accessible format.

Deepak Chopra's spa magazine, Perfect Health, was distributed in Ayurvedic healing centers.
A few of the course catalogs I art directed and produced for Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
Timelines are a very satisfying design challenge for infographic thinking. I provide this example to demonstrate how to show history and change over time that includes diverse categories of images and information but keeps a consistent look.

Stringing magazine required days of photo shoots and extremely efficient layouts as a project-based craft magazine. I worked closely with editors, artists, and photographers to produce this print magazine six times a year for three years.

Easy Wire was a successful special-interest magazine for Interweave that I designed from concept to production design.

A special interest magazine produced when I was art director for Alternative Medicine magazine. 
I was art director of Alternative Medicine magazine in Boulder, Colorado for thirteen issues. We used stock and contracted custom illustrations, photo shoots with models outdoors and indoors, and stock photos. This job involved hiring and managing photographers, models, prop styling, makeup artists, an associate art director and freelance designers — and of course working closely with editors and writers. The magazine provided proven science to the consumer with a cohesive image of health, the latest nutrition and supplement research, and healthy lifestyle information. This magazine had a circulation of around 250,000 and was a newsstand staple in the LOHAS market of the early 2000s. 
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